I have only tested a handful of colors and I can say that with the exception of one, it appears to be a match across the line. I tested new paints against my remaining paint stocks from years ago, the one color difference you see below I will explain in that photo. All paints were given three coats per sample.
Chemos Purple seems like a perfect match...
this was true for Phallanx Yellow and Sons of Horus Green. These are the only non-clear or metallics I tested.
Angron Red Clear is a one to one match, I found the same with Mortarion Clear Green and Calth Clear Blue
The reason I have been waiting for these to come back is I used a custom mix to achieve a SeaFoam Green metallic look on my SOH army. Today I tested the same formula with the new Air Clears of the same names and BAM, I have my color back. Time to finish the Army.
This was my first snag in testing, BUT I am willing to chalk this up to my original paint being separated after two years of no use and not remixing as sell as the air. When I compared the new air to other things I had painted a couple years ago it seemed really close.
Thallax gold was a one to one match, the difference here is just the lighting on the swatches.
My Valdor Gold paint from a couple years ago was separated beyond any hope of remixing. However I tested the new color on a test 3d print chunk and the color is is nice and rich.
Also, when I originally got the FW airs several years ago I found they all required a good bit of thinning out of bottle. This is common in all brands of "air" paint, usually it all requires thinning with the rare straight from the bottle mix being the exception not the rule. However, all of the GW Air Metal FW colors sprayed perfectly out of bottle with no thinning.
My thoughts, I am willing to chalk the differences I found up to "batch" consistency or my old paint samples not mixing completely do to severe separation. I think I can 99% say, thanks GW, I am glad to have my paint back.... Small note, I didn't have the need of more importantly cash to test every replacement color. I think this was a pretty good sample.
Would have been nice if you could have told us they were coming back when you killed the line and sent much of the community into a panic and enabled the ever typical eBay poaching. I know you love your booby trapped spill assured bottles as it is good for profits, but dropper bottles...just saying, you made everyone buy new paint racks again, which was your reason last time for not wanting to change. Just proves it is by design.
I bought a bottle of Contrast Camo green, it is basically a thick clear, nothing truly revolutionary, unless you're a brush painter primarily and want speed over looks, but I guess if it gets the 40k set to actually paint minis, it is a good thing. It does spray nice over metal coats smoothly.
Cheers, happy painting guys and gals
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