Friday, July 14, 2017

Airbrushing colored metal paints, Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver

If there is one thing that has been consistently frustrating fro me it is trying to airbrush with non silver  metal paints.  Everything clogs, no matter the air pressure or thinner used.  I thought this was just a fact of the paints pigment composition, IT IS NOT.

You don't need thinner you need "FLOW IMPROVER"

I was watching Kenny over at Next Level Painting on you tube.  A simple rundown of what he said.  THINNER DRIES PAINT.  If it clumps without it, it will clump with it.  Flow Improver however, does what it says, it slows the drying time and you don't get the clumping on your needle head.

This was the Holy Grail for me in my painting.  It is available on Amazon Prime.  Thanks Kenny for the suggestion.  I tried it with all of the model paints i own and it worked for all of them.

One other small suggestion when painting metals.  Always prime the area gloss black, I use Vallejo gloss black metal primer.  This really helps the metal both adhere and you will get consistently smooth results.  As always several thin coats are always better than one heavy one.

Hope this helps others the way it helped me.

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